What types of hotels will I stay in?
We use 3- and 4-star hotels located minutes (sometimes steps) from the sights you came to see. We know central hotels near the sights you came to see can make or break any trip, and nobody wants to lose time commuting in and out of a city to see the sights listed on your itinerary. Hotels will be available on your MyAccount approximately 30 days prior to departure.
How does rooming work?
On international tours, participants stay in multiple-bedded rooms, usually with two or three beds depending on destination and tour type. Group leaders will put together a rooming list for all participants prior to departure. Participants have the option to upgrade to a single room, for a supplemental fee. Additionally, in destinations where tour accommodations are based on either triples or quads, a double room supplement will apply to anyone looking to room with only one other person. This supplement is standard for those 21 and older on tours based on triples and quads. Group leaders are guaranteed the comfort and privacy of a single room when they have at least six participants in their group. On cruises and overnight ferries, rooming may differ. Any rooming upgrades can be made at registration or by completing the Rooming Change Request Form.